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1. Persons liable to examination.

2. Examination of persons landing or embarking.

3. Passenger lists and medical examination, etc.

4. Production of travel documents.

5. Appointment of immigration officers.

6. Appointment of medical inspectors and others.

7. Power of immigration officer to refuse entry, etc.

8. Entry for business purposes, etc.

9. Entry requirements and conditions.

10. Residence permits.

11. Control of visitors and transit passengers.

12. Power to exempt from certain entry or departure requirements.

13. Power to board ships, etc.

14. Recognition of airports and ports.

15. Arrivals elsewhere than at a recognised ports.

16. Control of immigrants by inland waters, etc.

17. Removal of immigrant where entry refused.



18. Prohibited immigrants.

19. Deportation orders in special cases.

20. Court deportation recommendations to be an order made on conviction. 21 . Deportation order on recommendation by court.

21. Removal of persons subject to deportation orders.

22. Detention, etc., of persons liable to deportation.

23. Offences in connection with deportation orders.

24. Power to notify cases specially liable to deportation.


Control of crews and stowaways

26. Examination of crews.

27. Control of members of crew of Ship, etc.

28. Stowaways.

29. Discharge of crew in Nigeria.


Miscellaneous and supplemental


30. Determination of nationality in special cases.

31. General provisions as to detained persons.

32. Power to abolish entry permits, ctc., in certain cases.

33. Power to prescribe entry conditions and fees.

34. Employment of immigrants.

35. Revocation or variation of permits.

36. Power to prohibit departure.

37. Application of Act to young persons and cases of dual nationality, etc.

38. Power to require young persons to obtain permit after entry.

39. Admission of insane persons.

40. Liability of master of a ship, etc., for costs of deportation.

41. Evidence as to orders, etc.

42. Expenses.

43. Court cases involving deportation to be accorded priority.

44. Power of court to recommend deportation.

45. Power to detain in lieu of deportation.

46. Offences in connection with control of immigration.

47. Offences by immigrant employers and workers.

48. Penalties, proceedings, etc.

49. Power to appoint receiver, etc., where owner deported.

50. Special cases where entry may be refused.

51. Regulations.

52. Interpretation.

53. Short title.


An Act to consolidate and amend the law as to immigration; to control in Nigeria certain persons; and for matters connected therewith.

[1963 No.6. L.N. 91 of 1963.]

[1st August, 1963]


Immigration Act



1. Persons liable to examination

(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, this Act shall apply to persons entering or leaving Nigeria and to persons who are at any time therein after the commencement of this Act.

(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed-

(a) to require any Minister of the Federal Government or any Commissioner of any State Government to complete entry or embarkation cards on entering or leaving Nigeria;

(b) to impose any restriction or liability under this Act as to entry or deportation in respect of persons who satisfy an immigration officer that they are entitled under any rule of law or enactment to immunity from suit or legal process not being immunity in respect only of things done or omitted to be done in the course of their duties, and complete any other requirement of this Act before entry or departure;

(c) in respect of any particular requirement, to affect persons exempted therefrom by the Minister under this Act;

(d) to prohibit the entry of any person who satisfies an immigration officer as to his identity as a citizen of Nigeria or as the holder of a valid travel document or that he is a person in the employ of the Federal Government or any State Government, as the case may be;

(e) to authorise the deportation from Nigeria of any citizen of Nigeria;

(f) to exempt any person from medical examination if required by the immigration officer.

(3) Where a person enters Nigeria as an exempted person under this Act and while in Nigeria thereafter ceases to be entitled to such exemption, he shall as soon as possible report the fact in writing to the Director of Immigration, and this Act shall have effect as if the person ceasing to be exempted were a person desirous of entering Nigeria for the first time and the Director of Immigration may, if he thinks fit. refer the case to the Minister or may deal with the case himself.

(4) A person affected by subsection (3) of this section may, in the discretion of the Minister or such officer as the case may require, be issued with a permit to remain in Nigeria and if a permit is refused, the person affected shall be deemed to be a prohibited immigrant, and may be dealt with accordingly.

2. Examination of persons landing or embarking

(1) It shall be the duty of every person entering or leaving Nigeria to report to an immigration officer for examination, and to furnish such information in his possession as that officer may reasonably require for the purposes of this Act; and the immigration officer may refuse admission in any proper case.

(2) Any person liable to be examined by an immigration officer shall if directed to do so by such officer in the course of his examination-

(a) declare whether or not he is carrying or conveying any document of any description specified by that officer, being a description appearing to that officer to be relevant for the purposes of the examination;

(b) produce to the officer any document of any such description which he is carrying or conveying,

and the power to examine any such person shall include power to search him and any baggage belonging to him or under his control with a view to ascertaining whether he is carrying or conveying any such documents; but nothing in subsection (1) of this section shall authorise the search of any woman or girl except by a woman.

(3) An immigration officer may examine, and may detain for such time as he thinks proper for the purposes of examination (not exceeding seven days), any document produced pursuant to or found on a search under this section.

3. Passenger lists and medical examination, etc.

(1) Where any ship or aircraft lands in Nigeria, the captain or commander as the case may be, shall supply to the immigration officer in charge, separate lists showing disembarking passengers and transit passengers and the immigration officer may, if he thinks fit, examine transit passengers as if they were immigrants.

(2) Any immigrant or transit passenger named in any such list whose international certificates of health fail to comply with the requirements of the Director of Immigration or whose state of health the immigration officer has cause to suspect, shall submit to such medical examination or vaccination as a medical inspector may reasonably require.

4. Production of travel documents

(1) Unless otherwise prescribed-

(a) every passenger who enters or leaves Nigerian by any means at or from any recognised port, shall in any proper case produce to an immigration officer, landing or embarkation cards in such form as the Minister may by order direct the owners or agents of ships and aircraft to supply to passengers, and shall satisfy the immigration officer that he is the holder of a valid travel document;

(b) every member of the crew of a ship or aircraft who lands in or leaves Nigeria shall produce such evidence or travel document as an immigration officer may require.

(2) No person whether in possession of a travel document or not, who is a prohibited immigrant, shall enter Nigeria without the consent of the Minister.

(3) For the purposes of this section, the expression “travel document” in the case of any member of the crew of a ship or aircraft, includes any card or other document in a form approved by or acceptable to the Director of Immigration.

5. Appointment of immigration officers

(1) Subject to the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of this section, there shall be appointed a fit person to be Director of Immigration who shall, under the general direction of the Minister, be charged with the administration of this Act, and such number of other fit persons as Deputy Directors of Immigration and other officers as may, from time to time, be required to assist the Director of Immigration under this Act and to be subject to his direction and control, the Director of Immigration shall, where necessary for the purposes of this Act, co-ordinate the duties of his division with those of the division of any officer appointed for the control of aliens in Nigeria.

(2) There shall also be appointed a fit person to be Chief Federal Aliens Officer who shall have such duties and powers as may be conferred upon him by this or any other Act for the control of aliens in Nigeria, and such number of other fit persons as officers to assist the Chief Federal Aliens Officer and to be subject to his direction and control; the Chief Federal Aliens Officer in the performance of his duties under this Act shall where necessary co-operate with the Director of Immigration.

(3) Any person who, immediately before the coming into operation of this Act is the holder of any office designated in this section, shall, on the commencement of this Act, continue in office and be deemed for the purpose only of this Act to have been appointed to his office under this section.

6. Appointment of medical inspectors and others

(1) The Minister, with the approval of the Minister of Health, may appoint a duly qualified medical practitioner as a medical inspector for the purposes of this Act, who shall act in accordance with such instructions as may be given by the Minister of Health from time to time.

(2) The Minister may arrange with the Minister charged with responsibility for customs and excise for the employment of members of the Nigerian Customs Service preventive service as immigration officers; and when so employed, such members shall have the powers of an immigration officer under this Act.

(3) Members of the Nigeria Police Force may be employed as immigration officers on such terms and conditions as the Immigration and Prisons Services Board established under the Immigration and Prisons Services Board Act may, from time to time, approve.

[Cap. I2.]

7. Power of immigration officer to refuse entry, etc.

(1) The power of an immigration officer to refuse entry into Nigeria or to admit into Nigeria subject to conditions, shall unless the Minister in any case otherwise directs, be exercised by notice in writing; and subject to subsection (2) of this section, any such notice shall be given by being delivered by the immigration officer to the person to whom it relates.

(2) Where an immigrant who is to be admitted into Nigeria subject to conditions, is a member of a party in the charge of a person appearing to the immigration officer to be a responsible person, the notice under this section shall be duly given if delivered to the person in charge of the party.

(3) A notice refusing a person admission into Nigeria may at any time be cancelled by a subsequent notice in writing given to him by an immigration officer; and where a notice under this subsection cancelling such a notice is given to any person at any time, the immigration officer may at the same time give to that person a permit admitting him into Nigeria, subject to conditions.

(4) Any conditions specified in a notice under this section may at any time be revoked or varied by the Minister or the Director of Immigration either by notice in writing given to the immigrant to whom those conditions apply or by order applying to immigrants of any class to whom such conditions for the time being apply.

(5) Any notice under this section and any condition specified in such a notice, shall, unless previously cancelled or revoked under the provisions of this Act, cease to have effect if the person to whom the notice was given again enters or seeks to enter Nigeria.

8. Entry for business purposes, etc.

(1) No person other than a citizen of Nigeria shall-

(a) accept employment (not being employment with the Federal Government or a State Government) without the consent in writing of the Director of Immigration; or

(b) on his own account or in partnership with any other person, practise a profession or establish or take over any trade or business whatsoever or register or take over any company with limited liability for any such purpose, without the consent in writing of the Minister given on such conditions as to the locality of operations and persons to be employed by or on behalf of such person, as the Minister may prescribe.

(2) Any person desirous of entering Nigeria for any of the purposes in subsection (1) of this section, shall produce the consent to an immigration officer; and the failure to do so shall be an offence under this Act, and any person who commits such an offence shall be liable on conviction to deportation as a prohibited immigrant.

(3) Where any person exempt from any provision of this Act restricting his employment ceases to be so exempt, he shall be deemed to be a person seeking entry into Nigeria for the first time; and the provisions of this section shall have effect accordingly.

9. Entry requirements and conditions

(1) Applications for visa or entry permit shall be made to the appropriate diplomatic Nigerian Mission established abroad and the diplomatic head of that Mission shall-

(a) in the case of a person visiting Nigeria, if satisfied that it is a proper case, issue
a visa or entry permit;
(b) in the case of-

(i) government officials of countries other than Nigeria;

(ii) personnel of the United Nations Organisation and its agencies;

[1972 No.8.]

(iii) personnel of the Organisation of African Unity and its agencies;

(iv) persons seeking entry under any technical aid scheme;

(v) specially organised economic and trade delegations; and

(vi) persons specially invited by the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria;

issue the appropriate entry permit;

(c) in the case of a person seeking entry into Nigeria for the purpose of taking up employment under a contract of service with the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria or the Government of any State of the Federation (other than by way of technical aid), his spouse and dependants, on the production by that person of the contract of service or such other evidence as may be satisfactory to the diplomatic head of the Mission, issue the appropriate entry permit;

(d) in the case of a person seeking entry into Nigeria for the purpose of taking up employment in Nigeria, refer the application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

(2) Where no diplomatic Nigerian Mission is established in the country concerned, an application shall-

(a) if there is an agreement between Nigeria and the Government of that country for the performance by that Government of consular functions on behalf of Nigeria, be made to that Government; and

(b) if there is no such agreement, be made to such diplomatic mission as may be designated by the Minister for External Affairs.

(3) Nothing in this section shall apply to-

(a) persons who, after a tour of duty with the Federal or any State Government, corporation or company owned or controlled by any such government, are abroad on leave with the intention of resuming duty in Nigeria thereafter;

(b) spouses and children of person within paragraph (a) of this subsection;

(c) persons otherwise employed in Nigeria and their spouses and dependants who before departure on leave apply for and obtain a re-entry permit from the Di- rector of Immigration;

(d) transit passengers who remain in or in the vicinity of the port of entry for a period of time not exceeding 48 hours.

10. Residence permits

(1) Any Commonwealth citizen or citizen of Eire may, subject to the provisions of section 9 of this Act, enter Nigeria for the purpose of residence (not being a tour of service with the Federal Government or any State Government in Nigeria) on production of a residence permit with his other travel documents, signed by or on behalf of the Director of Immigration and issued subject to such conditions as may be endorsed thereon; and if the entry is for any such tour of service, such citizen shall on production of any evidence which an immigration officer may reasonably require, be deemed to be in possession of a residence permit.

(2) Any person not a citizen of Nigeria, desirous of entering Nigeria for the purpose of residence shall, unless exempted under this Act, give security in such amount as the

Minister may prescribe, and shall supply such information as the Director of Immigration may reasonably require; and if the Director of Immigration is satisfied, he may issue a residence permit accordingly.

(3) The residence permit issued under subsection (2) of this section shall be in such form as may be prescribed and may be issued by endorsement on any travel document or otherwise as the Director of Immigration may direct.

(4) The Director of Immigration may endorse on a residence permit such conditions not inconsistent with this Act as he thinks fit, and may replace any valid permit issued or deemed to have been issued by a residence permit, and for such purpose the Director of Immigration may at any time require the holder to apply for a residence permit after entry into Nigeria.

(5) The failure by any person to comply with the requirements of this section or of any conditions imposed shall be an offence under this Act, and such person may, if the Minister thinks fit, be required to leave Nigeria; and any security furnished under this section, may be forfeited or, as the case may be, any bond may be entreated at suit of the Director of Immigration.

11. Control of visitors and transit passengers

(1) An immigration officer may by notice given at any time to any person who-

(a) has arrived at a recognised port in Nigeria as a visitor or as a transit passenger on board a ship or aircraft; and

(b) is for the time being on board the ship or aircraft on which he arrived at such port,

prohibit him from landing from that ship or aircraft as the case may be, while it remains at such port unless authorised to do so by an immigration officer.

(2) If any person affected by subsection (1) of this section-

(a) lands from a ship or aircraft in contravention of a prohibition imposed on him under subsection (1) of this section; or

(b) being a visitor refused admission or a transit passenger remains in Nigeria after the ship or aircraft has left the port; or

(c) having been admitted as a visitor into Nigeria subject to a condition restricting the period for which he may remain there, remains in Nigeria in contravention of that condition,

he shall, subject to subsection (3) of this section, where necessary, be treated for the purposes of this Act as if he had been refused admission into Nigeria.

(3) An immigration officer may, by notice in writing given at any time to any person who has landed or remained in Nigeria as mentioned in subsection (2) of this section, authorise him to remain in Nigeria either without conditions or subject to any conditions the Minister may impose, including in particular, conditions requiring him-

(a) to leave Nigeria in a specified ship or aircraft; or

(b) to leave Nigeria within a specified period in accordance with the conditions of his permit or as the case may be with arrangements made, and where such a notice is given to any person, he shall not be treated as a person to whom ad- mission to Nigeria has been refused unless, in the case where he is subject to conditions requiring him to leave Nigeria as aforesaid, he fails to comply or is reasonably suspected of intending to fail to comply with those conditions.

(4) Any permit under this section shall be in such form as the Minister may, from time to time, prescribe, and any permit issued or conditions endorsed may at any time be varied or revoked by the Director of Immigration, or such officer may replace the permit in any proper case.

12. Power to exempt from certain entry or departure requirements

(1) The Minister, by order, may exempt from the requirements of entry under this Act any other person or class of persons, and with the concurrence of the Minister of Health may restrict the classes of cases where medical examination of persons landing in Nigeria is required.

(2) The Minister may likewise, by order, exempt any person or class of persons from the requirements of this Act as to departure from Nigeria.

13. Power to board ships, etc.

Any immigration officer or medical inspector may, in Nigeria, board any ship or air- craft and at any frontier, may board a vehicle of any description whatsoever.

14. Recognition of airports and ports

For the purposes of this Act, the Minister may by order prescribe any aerodrome, air- port or airline to be a recognised airport or airline, and may likewise recognise any port for shipping or point of entry by land or inland waters as a port of entry.

15. Arrivals elsewhere than at a recognised port

Where any ship or aircraft lands by sea or air in Nigeria elsewhere than at a recognised port, the master of the ship or aircraft shall report to the nearest immigration officer, and no person on board shall leave the ship or aircraft without the authority of an immigration officer.

16. Control of immigrants by inland waters, etc.

Any person who enters Nigeria by inland waters or overland, shall forthwith proceed to the nearest recognised port and appear before the immigration officer, and that immigration officer after such examination as he may consider necessary, shall, if the person appears to him to be a prohibited immigrant, detain that person; and the provisions of this Act as to deportation shall have effect accordingly.

17. Removal of immigrant where entry refused

(1) Where a person arriving by ship or aircraft is for any reason refused entry into Nigeria, an immigration officer may give directions-

(a) to the master of the ship or commander of the aircraft in which the immigrant arrived in Nigeria, requiring him to remove the immigrant from Nigeria in that ship or aircraft; or

(b) to the owners or agents of the said ship or aircraft, requiring them to remove the immigrant from Nigeria in any ship or aircraft specified in the directions, being a ship or aircraft of which they are the owners or agents; or

(c) to the said owners or agents, requiring them to make arrangements for the removal of the immigrant from Nigeria in any ship or aircraft bound for a country or territory specified in the directions, being-

(i) a country of which the person refused entry is a citizen; or

(ii) a country or territory in which he has obtained a passport or other document of identity; or

(iii) a country or territory in which he embarked for Nigeria; or

(iv) a country or territory to which there is reason to believe that the immigrant will be admitted,

and for securing him a passage to that country or territory.

(2) If it appears to the Minister, that in the circumstances it is not practicable for directions to be given under subsection (1) of this section in respect of an immigrant, or that directions so given would be ineffective, the Minister or any person acting under his authority, may give to the owners or agents of any ship or aircraft the like directions as may be given under paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of this section to the owners or agents of the ship or aircraft in which the immigrant arrived in Nigeria; and for the avoidance of doubt in any such case, the cost of complying with the directions shall be defrayed by the owners or agents as the case may be, of the ship or aircraft.

(3) An immigrant in respect of whom directions are given under this section may be placed, under the authority of an immigration officer, on board any ship or aircraft in which he is to be removed in accordance with the directions.



18. Prohibited immigrants

(1) Any person within any of the following classes shall be deemed to be a prohibited immigrant and liable to be refused admission into Nigeria or to be deported as the case may be, that is to say-

(a) any person who is without visible means of support or is likely to become a public charge;

(b) any idiot, insane person, or person suffering from any other mental disorder;

(c) any person convicted in any country of any crime wherever committed, which is an extradition crime within the provisions of the Extradition Act;

[Cap. E25.]

(d) any person whose admission would in the opinion of the Minister be contrary to the interest of national security;

(e) any person against whom an order of deportation from Nigeria is in force;

(f) any person who-

(i) has not in his possession a valid passport; or

(ii) being a person under the age of sixteen years has not in his possession

a valid passport or is unaccompanied by an adult on whose valid passport particulars of such person appear;

(g) any prostitute;

(h) any person who is or has been-

(i) a brothel keeper;

(ii) a householder permitting the defilement of a young girl on his premises;

(iii) a person allowing a person under thirteen years of age to be in a brothel;

(iv) a person causing or encouraging the seduction or prostitution of a girl under thirteen years of age;

(v) a person trading in prostitution; or

(vi) a procurer.

(2) The Minister may, at any time by notice add to or amend any class of prohibited immigrants in subsection (1) of this section and if he deems it conducive to the public good may prohibit the entry into or stay in Nigeria of any other persons or class of per- sons not in any case citizens of Nigeria.

(3) In this section-

(a) “brothel keeper” includes any person who appears, acts or behaves himself as the owner of, or the person having the care, government or management of any

premises, or room or set of rooms in any premises, kept for the purposes of prostitution;

(b) “householder permitting the defilement of a young girl on his premises” means any person who, being the owner or occupier of any premises or having or acting or assisting in the management or control thereof, induces or knowingly suffers any girl under the age of thirteen years to resort to or be in or upon such premises for the purpose of being unlawfully and carnally known by any man or for any lewd purpose;

(c) “person allowing a person under thirteen years of age to be in a brothel” means any person having the custody, charge or care of a child or young per- son who has attained the age of four years and is under the age of thirteen years, who allows that child or young person to reside in or frequent a brothel;

(d) “person causing or encouraging the seduction or prostitution of a girl under thirteen years of age” means any person having the custody, charge or care of a girl under the age of thirteen years who causes or encourages the seduction, unlawful carnal knowledge, or prostitution of or the commission of an indecent assault upon that girl;

(e) “person trading in prostitution” means-

(i) a male who knowingly lives wholly or in part on the earnings of prostitution or who, in any public place persistently solicits or importunes for immoral purposes, or

(ii) a female who, for the purposes of gain; exercises control, direction or influence over the movements of a prostitute in such a manner as to show that

such female is aiding, abetting or compelling her prostitution with any person or generally;

(f) “procurer” means any person who-

(i) procures or attempts to procure any female under twenty-one years of

age, not being a common prostitute or of known immoral character, to have unlawful carnal connection, either within or without Nigeria, with any other person; or

(ii) procures or attempts or procure any female to become, either within or without Nigeria a common prostitute; or

(iii) procures or attempts to procure any female to leave her usual place of

abode (such place not being a brothel), with intent that she may, for the purpose of prostitution, become an inmate of a brothel, either within or without Nigeria; or

(iv) by threats or intimidation procures or attempts to procure any female to have any unlawful carnal connection either within or without Nigeria;

(v) by false pretences or false representations procures any female, not being a common prostitute or of known immoral character, to have any unlawful carnal connection, either within or without Nigeria; or

(vi) applies or administers to or causes to be taken by a female any drug,

matter, or thing, with intent to stupefy or overpower her so as thereby to enable any person to have unlawful carnal connection with that female;

(g) “prostitution” (with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions) includes the offering by a female of her body commonly for acts of lewdness for payment although there is no act, or offer of an act, of ordinary sexual connection.

(4) For the purposes of this section a person shall be deemed to possess a valid passport if-

(a) being a citizen of any other Commonwealth country (including Eire), he produces with his passport for inspection under this Act, a residence permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Immigration and any entry permit issued under section 9 of this Act; or

[l972 No.8.]

(b) being a citizen of any other country not otherwise exempted under this Act, he produces for inspection with his passport, a visa valid for entry into Nigeria for any purpose designated in the visa, and a residence permit.

19. Deportation orders in special cases

(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3) of this section, any person who being a prohibited immigrant enters Nigeria except in accordance with this Act shall be guilty of an offence under this Act, and if convicted the court may make a recommendation for deportation of the offender.

(2) The Minister may, if satisfied that it is in the public interest, and whether or not any person has been prosecuted for an offence under this section, make a deportation order against that person as a prohibited immigrant; and it shall be no defence that such person was not notified that his entry into Nigeria was prohibited, or that the entry was permitted by oversight or otherwise howsoever; this subsection shall have effect notwithstanding any other provision of this Act.

(3) If the Minister is of opinion that any person in Nigeria ought, at any time after his entry to be classed as a prohibited immigrant, he may make an order accordingly and the provisions of any such order shall have effect as if the person named in the order were a prohibited immigrant landing in Nigeria for the first time; any person affected by an order made under this subsection may be deported.

(4) The provisions of this section shall, if the Minister thinks tit, extend and apply to

any person who having entered Nigeria at any time in pursuance of a visitor’s permit or transit permit remains in Nigeria beyond the time allowed by such pass or breaks any other condition subject to which such permit was issued, whether or not he has been prosecuted for an offence under this Act.

20. Court deportation recommendations to be an order made on conviction

(1) Where a person convicted of an offence by any court is committed for sentence to another court, any power to make a recommendation for deportation in respect of him shall be exercisable by the court to which he is committed and not by the court by which he is convicted.

(2) For the purposes of any enactment relating to appeals in criminal cases, a recommendation for deportation shall be treated as an order made on conviction; and the validity of such a recommendation shall not be called in question except on an appeal against the recommendation or against the conviction upon which it is made.

21. Deportation order on recommendation by court

(1) Where a recommendation by a court for deportation is in force, the Minister may, if he thinks fit, make a deportation order requiring him to leave Nigeria and prohibiting him from returning there so long as the order is in force.

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, an order under this section shall not be made in pursuance of a recommendation for deportation unless either-

(a) the time for bringing an appeal against the recommendation, or against the conviction upon which it was made, has expired without such an appeal having been brought; or

(b) such an appeal has been brought and abandoned, or finally determined other- wise than by the quashing of the recommendation or the conviction; or

(c) the recommendation was made on appeal and no further appeal lies.

(3) The Minister may, if he thinks fit, revoke a deportation order at any time, whether before or after the person to whom it relates has left or been removed from Nigeria, but the revocation of a deportation order shall not affect the validity of anything previously done thereunder.

22. Removal of persons subject to deportation orders

(1) The Minister or any person acting under his authority may, notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, give directions to the master of any ship or commander of any aircraft which is about to leave Nigeria, requiring him to afford to any person against whom a deportation order is in force, and to any dependants of his specified in the directions, a passage to any port so specified (being a port in a country of which that person is a citizen or a country or territory to which the Minister has reason to believe that he will be admitted, and at which the ship or aircraft is to call or land in the course of the voyage) and proper accommodation and maintenance during the passage.

(2) A person in respect of whom directions are given under subsection (1) of this section, may be placed, under the authority of the Minister, on board any ship or aircraft in which he is to be removed in accordance with the directions.

(3) The employer of any person against whom a deportation order is in force shall pay the expenses incidental to the voyage from Nigeria of the person to be deported and his dependants (if any) and the maintenance until departure of such person and his de- pendants; and in default of such payment the Minister may in any proper case sue for and recover the same, or in his discretion may apply in and towards any such expenses afore-

said, moneys belonging to the person to be deported, or cause the expenses to be defrayed by the Government of the Federation.

23. Detention, etc., of persons liable to deportation

(1) Where a recommendation for deportation is in force in respect of an offender and the offender is neither detained in pursuance of the sentence or order of any court nor for the time being released on bail by any court having power so to release him, he shall, unless the court by which the recommendation is made otherwise directs, be detained until the Minister-

(a) makes a deportation order in respect of him; or

(b) notifies him that no such order is to be made; or

(c) directs him to be released pending further consideration of his case.

(2) Where a deportation order is in force in respect of an offender, the offender may be detained under the authority of the Minister until he is removed from Nigeria pursuant to this Act; and if he is released from detention pending further consideration of his case or while liable to be detained is not so detained, the Minister may by order impose on him such restrictions as to place of residence and requirements as to reporting to the police as the Minister thinks fit.

24. Offences in connection with deportation orders

(1) If any person in respect of whom a deportation order is in force-

(a) having left Nigeria after notice of the making of the order has been given to him on behalf of the Minister, subsequently returns to Nigeria; or

(b) having been placed on board a ship or aircraft under this Act, lands from that ship or aircraft before it has left Nigeria,

he shall be guilty of an offence; and any offence under this subsection shall be deemed to continue throughout any period during which the offender is in Nigeria after its commission.

(2) If any person, upon whom any restriction or requirement is imposed under this Act, fails to comply with that restriction or requirement, he shall be guilty of an offence.

(3) Where a person in respect of whom a deportation order is in force is convicted of any offence under subsection (1) of this section, the operation of the deportation order shall be suspended but shall not cease to have effect.

(4) If any person knowingly harbours any person whom he knows or has reasonable grounds for believing to have committed an offence under subsection (1) of this section, he shall be guilty of an offence.

25. Power to notify cases specially liable to deportation

(1) The Minister may, from time to time, by notice direct that persons within any category specified in the notice, entering Nigeria otherwise than by sea or air, shall be liable to deportation as prohibited immigrants without the intervention of any court; and any person in any such category may be arrested and detained by an immigration officer and may, subject to subsection (2) of this section, be deported forthwith; if any person is deported under this subsection, the immigration officer shall report the case as soon as possible to the Director of Immigration.

(2) The power to arrest or to deport under this section may be exercised by an immigration officer not below the rank of Assistant Immigration Officer.


Control of crews and stowaways

26. Examination of crews

(1) An immigration officer may examine any person who arrives at a port in Nigeria as a member of the crew of a ship or aircraft whether or not he lands or seeks to land in Nigeria; and the provisions of this Act shall apply to any such person accordingly.

(2) The Minister may, by order, make provision for requiring masters of ships and commanders of aircraft arriving at ports in Nigeria to furnish to the immigration officer, particulars of the members of the crews of those ships or aircrafts, and for enabling the immigration officer to dispense with the furnishing of such particulars.

27. Control of members of crew of ship, etc.

(1) An immigration officer may, by notice given at any time to any person who-

(a) has arrived at a port in Nigeria as a member of the crew of a ship or aircraft; and

(b) is for time being on board the ship or aircraft on which he arrived at the a port,prohibit him from landing from that ship or aircraft as the case may be, while it remains

at the port, unless authorised to do so by an immigration officer.

(2) If any person affected by subsection (1) of this section-

(a) lands from a ship or aircraft in contravention of a prohibition imposed on him under subsection (1) of this section; or

(b) remains in Nigeria after his ship or aircraft has left the port; or

(c) having been admitted into Nigeria subject to a condition restricting the period for which he may remain there, remains in Nigeria in contravention of that condition,

he shall, subject to the provision of subsection (3), be treated for the purposes of this Act as if he had been refused admission into Nigeria.

(3) An immigration officer may, by notice in writing given at any time to any person who has landed or remained in Nigeria as mentioned in subsection (2) of this section authorise him to remain in Nigeria either without conditions or subject to any conditions the Minister may impose, including in particular, conditions requiring him-

(a) to leave Nigeria in a specified ship or aircraft; or

(b) to leave Nigeria within a specified period in according with arrangements for his repatriation,

and where such a notice is given to any person, he shall not be treated as a person to whom admission to Nigeria has been refused unless, in the case where he is subject to conditions requiring him to leave Nigeria as aforesaid, he fails to comply or is reasonably suspected of intending to fail to comply with those conditions.

28. Stowaways

(1) If any person arrives at a port in Nigeria as a stowaway in a ship or aircraft, he shall, subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of this section, be treated for the purposes of this Act as if he were a prohibited immigrant and was refused admission into Nigeria accordingly.

(2) Subsection (3) of section 27 of this Act shall apply in relation to any such person refused admission as it applies in relation to any who has landed or remained in Nigeria as mentioned in subsection (2) of the said section 27.

29. Discharge of crew in Nigeria

(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act or enactment, no member of the crew of any ship or aircraft who is not a citizen of Nigeria, shall be discharged in Nigeria without the approval of the Director of Immigration given on such terms as he may think fit.

(2) For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this section shall extend and apply to the crew of any ship which operates solely or mainly within the territorial waters of Nigeria.


Miscellaneous and supplemental

30. Determination of nationality in special cases

(1) The Minister may, from lime to time, give such directions as he thinks fit for the determination of the nationality of any person, or if a deportation order is in force, for the disregarding of any change of nationality; and where at anytime before or after entry into Nigeria the nationality of any person is or may be questioned, or after entry into Nigeria a person for any reason changes his nationality, the burden of proof shall in any case, lie upon the person asserting the nationality or the change of nationality, as the case may be.

(2) Save in the case of any person in or resident in Nigeria and claiming to be a citizen of Nigeria, no direction given under this section shall be questioned in any court.

31. General provisions as to detained persons

(1) Any person required or authorised to be detained under this Act may be detained in such places as the Minister may direct.

(2) Where a person is detained by virtue of this Act, any immigration officer, police officer, prison officer, or any other person authorised by the Minister, may do all things reasonably necessary for photographing, measuring or otherwise identifying him.

(3) Any person detained by virtue of this Act and any person who, being detained in pursuance of the sentence or order of a court, would otherwise be liable to be so detained, may be taken in the custody of a police officer or an immigration officer to and from any place where his attendance is required for the purpose of ascertaining his nationality or of making arrangements for his admission to any country or territory.

(4) Any person required or authorised by this Act to be detained may be arrested without warrant by an immigration officer duly authorised in writing either generally or specially by the Director of Immigration, or by any police officer; and any person who is detained by virtue of this Act, or is being removed in pursuance of this section, shall be deemed to be in legal custody.

32. Power to abolish entry permits, etc., in certain cases

(1) Where the Minister is satisfied that the Government of any other country or a Minister thereof permits the entry of citizens of Nigeria into that country without requiring a visa or other entry permit, he may by order abolish or suspend the requirement in Nigeria of a visa or other entry permit by nationals of that other country, but without prejudice to any other requirements of this Act.

(2) Notice of the making of any order under this section shall be given to such person outside Nigeria as the Director of Immigration thinks fit as soon as may be after the making thereof.

33. Power to prescribe entry conditions and fees

(1) The Minister may, from time to time, prescribe the conditions for entry into Nigeria and the fees payable in respect of any travel document, visa, or permit; and every

Nigerian embassy shall give effect thereto in any proper case by the issue of a visa or other entry permit.

(2) For the purposes of this section, “embassy” includes any Nigerian High Com- mission or Consulate.

34. Employment of immigrants

(1) Where any person in Nigeria is desirous of employing a person who is a national of any other country he shall, unless exempted under this section, make application to the Director of Immigration in such manner as may be prescribed and shall give such information as to the provision to be made for repatriation of that national and his dependants as the Director of Immigration may reasonably require; and no such person shall be employed without the permission of the Director of Immigration given on such terms as he thinks fit; the provisions of this section shall extend and apply to persons in employment immediately before, as well as to those employed or to be employed at any time after, the commencement of this Act.

(2) The Director of Immigration shall record the information in such form as he thinks necessary; and where he is so satisfied, the Director of Immigration may require provision to be made for repatriation either generally as to all persons so employed by a person in Nigeria and their dependants or with reference to any particular person, by payment into the Consolidated Revenue Fund by way of deposit of such amount as the Minister may prescribe for the repatriation, or by a bond in such form as the Director of Immigration may approve for such purpose.

(3) The Minister may, by notice, exempt any person from the requirements of this section on such conditions as he thinks fit, and subject thereto any person to whom this section applies who is employed in Nigeria, shall on ceasing for any reason to be so employed be deemed to be a prohibited immigrant as from the date of his entry into Nigeria; and the person who employed him shall be liable to pay all costs of and incidental to  deportation of the prohibited immigrant and of his dependants.

(4) The failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall be an offence under this Act.

(5) For the purposes of this section, any person being a company or association shall be deemed to be in Nigeria if carrying out any work therein.

35. Revocation or variation or permits

(1) The Director of Immigration may if he deems it to be in the public interest, at any time revoke a residence permit or other permit under this Act or may issue a new permit on such conditions as he thinks fit; and where any permit is revoked without replacement, the person affected shall be deemed to be a person seeking to enter Nigeria for the first time, and the Minister in his discretion, may issue a deportation order.

(2) The Director of Immigration may direct the holder of a permit to surrender it for replacement, or he may re-issue it with such additional conditions or varied conditions, as the circumstances may require; the failure to comply with any direction of the Director of Immigration under this subsection shall be an offence under this Act.

36. Power to prohibit departure

(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of this section, the Minister may if he thinks it to be in the public interest, by order prohibit the departure of any person from Nigeria; and if the travel documents of any person are not in proper order or there is, to the knowledge of the immigration officer, an unsatisfied order of a court of competent jurisdiction or warrant of arrest relating to that person, an immigration officer may refuse to allow such person to leave Nigeria, or in his discretion he may refer the case to the Director of Immigration for further consideration.

(2) Nothing in this section shall apply to or affect any person entitled under any rule of law or enactment to immunity from suit or legal process, not being immunity in  respect of things done or omitted to be done in the course of his duty.

37. Application of Act to young persons and cases of dual nationality, etc.

(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, any person of or above the apparent age of sixteen years who, on the coming into operation of this Act is in Nigeria but is not a citizen thereof, shall apply to an immigration officer at such time and place as may be required under this section for a permit under this Act; any person in Nigeria as aforesaid and under the apparent age of sixteen years shall apply to an immigration officer for such permit not later than three months after he attains that age, and notice of the requirement of this section may be published in such manner as the Director of Immigration thinks fit.

(2) The provisions of this section shall extend and apply-

(a) to persons who being nationals of more than one country including Nigeria, elect within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999, or any enactment to be nationals of some country other than Nigeria;

[Cap. C23.]

(b) to persons who having acquired nationality as citizens of Nigeria for any reason, lose that nationality,

and the person concerned shall within one month after the election or loss of nationality, as the case may be, apply to the Director of Immigration for a permit to remain in Nigeria; and the Director of Immigration may grant or refuse the permit; an appeal shall lie to the Minister from the grant or refusal of a permit under this subsection.

(3) The Minister may exempt any person or class of person from the requirements of this section; and subject thereto, the Director of Immigration may from time to time in the Federal Gazette and in some newspaper printed and circulating in Nigeria, give notice of the requirements of this section.

(4) A permit under this section shall be in such form and be subject to such conditions as the Minister may, from time to time, prescribe; and the failure to comply when required by this section shall be an offence against this Act, and any person affected shall be deemed to be a person seeking to enter Nigeria for the first time, and may be dealt with accordingly.

38. Power to require young persons to obtain permit after entry

(1) Any person under the apparent age of sixteen years may be permitted by an immigration officer to enter Nigeria without a permit and to remain in Nigeria for so long as such person is with his parents, and any person so admitted shall not live elsewhere with- out the approval of an immigration officer; any such person entering without a permit shall leave Nigeria as and when required by the Director of Immigration; and if not having been required to leave he attains the age of sixteen years, he shall apply to an immigration officer for the issue of a permit under section 37 of this Act to remain in Nigeria. The immigration officer may issue a permit upon such conditions as he thinks fit, or may refuse a permit. If a permit is refused the person affected shall be dealt with in such manner as the Minister may direct.

(2) The provisions of this section shall extend and apply to any person who entered Nigeria at any time after 30 September 1960 and before the commencement of this Act, so however that if on the commencement of this Act he has attained the age of not less than sixteen years he shall be deemed for the purposes of this section to be of the age of sixteen years on the commencement of this Act.

(3) The failure to comply with the requirements of this section shall be an offence under this Act.

39. Admission of insane persons

(1) Any person who, without the approval of the Minister given on such terms as he thinks fit, brings into Nigeria any idiot or insane person, not being a citizen of Nigeria, shall be liable to pay to the Minister aH expenses which may be incurred by the Minister in connection with the maintenance and transport of such idiot or insane person and his deportation from Nigeria.

(2) The amount of any expenses incurred shall be recoverable by action brought in the name of the Attorney-General of the Federation.

40. Liability of master of a ship, etc., for costs of deportation

(1) Where a prohibited immigrant disembarks from any ship or aircraft in Nigeria, the master, the owner and the agent of any such ship or aircraft shall be jointly and sever- ally liable to pay to the Minister all expenses incurred by the Minister in connection with the transport and maintenance of the prohibited immigrant and of his deportation from Nigeria.

(2) The provision of subsection (1) of this subsection shall extend and apply to the owner or agent of the owner of any vehicle whatsoever by means of which the prohibited immigrant entered Nigeria by land.

(3) The amount of any expenses incurred shall be recoverable by action brought in the name of the Attorney-General of the Federation.

41. Evidence as to orders, etc.

Any document purporting to be an order, notice or direction made or given by the Minister for the purposes of this Act, and to be signed by him or on his behalf, shall be received in evidence, and shall, until the contrary is proved, be deemed to be made or

issued by him; and prima facie evidence of any such order, notice or direction may in any legal proceedings, be given by the production of a document bearing a certificate purporting to be signed by or on behalf of the Minister and stating that the document is a true copy of the order, notice or direction.

42. Expenses

There shall be defrayed out of moneys provided by the National Assembly any expenses incurred for the purposes of this Act by the Minister or the Minister of Health.

43. Court cases involving deportation to be accorded priority

(1) Where a person is charged with an offence upon conviction of which the offender may be recommended under this or any other Act for deportation, the case shall be dealt with in priority to any case, civil or criminal, other than a case part heard; and notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act or enactment, the offender at the hearing may be remanded in custody for a period not exceeding at anyone time of 21 days, and thereafter as occasion may require, the offender may be again so remanded from time to time; but in no case shall the total period on remand exceed two months.

(2) If no order is made by the Minister within such period or extended period as aforesaid the offender may be dealt with as the court thinks fit; and where a sentence of imprisonment is imposed, account shall be taken of the period during which the offender was held in custody on remand.

44. Power of court to recommend deportation

Where a court of competent jurisdiction convicts an offender under any enactment for an offence punishable by imprisonment without the option of a fine, the court may in addition to or in lieu of sentence recommend the deportation of the offender, and the Minister may order his deportation accordingly.

45. Power to detain in lieu of deportation

Notwithstanding any other provision of this or any other Act, where a deportation order has been made, the Minister may direct the detention of the person affected for such period as he thinks fit if, in his opinion the deportation is impracticable or prejudicial to the efficient prosecution of any war in which Nigeria may be engaged, and the detention of the person affected by the deportation order is necessary or expedient for securing public safety, the defence of Nigeria, or the maintenance of public order.

46. Offences in connection with control of immigration

(1) If any person-

(a) while a refusal of admission is in force in relation to him enters or remains within Nigeria otherwise than in accordance with the directions or under the authority of an immigration officer; or

(b) contravenes or fails to comply with any condition imposed on him under this Act,

he shall be guilty of an offence; and any offence under this subsection, being an offence committed by entering or remaining in Nigeria, shall be deemed to continue throughout any period during which the offender is in Nigeria thereafter.

(2) If any person knowingly harbours any person whom he knows or has reasonable grounds for believing to have committed an offence under subsection (l) of this section, being an offence committed by entering or remaining within Nigeria, he shall be guilty of an offence.

(3) If any person-

(a) makes or causes to be made to any immigration officer or other person law- fully acting in the execution of this Act, any return, statement or representation which he knows to be false or does not believe to be true; or

(b) refuses or fails to produce or furnish to any such officer or person any document or information which he is required to produce or furnish to that officer or person under this Act, or otherwise obstructs any such officer or person in the exercise of his functions thereunder; or

(c) without lawful authority, alters any document issued or made under or for the purposes for this Act, or uses for the purposes of this Act, or has in his possession for such use, any forged or altered passport or other travel document,

he shall be guilty of an offence.

47. Offences by immigrant employers and workers

It shall be an offence under this Act for any employer of persons liable to repatriation to discharge any such persons without giving notice to the Director of Immigration; or for any such employed person to change his employment without the approval of the Director of Immigration; and upon conviction, the employer if not a citizen of Nigeria and the employed person as the case may be and any dependants shall if the Minister thinks fit be deported, and the business of the employer may be wound up as prescribed by this Act.

48. Penalties, proceedings, etc.

(1) A person guilty of an offence under this Act shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding 200 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both; and the court may if it thinks fit recommend the deportation of the offender.

(2) For the purposes of the trial of a person for any offence under this Act, the of- fence shall be deemed to have been committed either at the place at which it actually was committed or at any place at which the offender may be.

(3) Any police officer or immigration officer may arrest without warrant any person whom he has reasonable grounds to believe has committed an offence under subsection (1) of section 24 or subsection (1) of section 46 of this Act.

(4) Any powers exercisable under this Act in the case of any person may be exercised notwithstanding that proceedings for an offence under this Act have been taken against him.

49. Power to appoint receiver, etc., where owner is deported

(1) Where it appears to the Minister expedient that any business previously conducted or managed by any person who has been deported or under section 45 of this Act is detained should be wound up, he may cause application to be made to the High Court of a State or of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja as the case may be, for the appointment of a receiver or receiver and manager in respect of such business, and the High Court shall have power to appoint a receiver or receiver and manager for such time and subject to such conditions and with such modifications, restrictions or extensions of the ordinary powers and duties of a receiver or receiver and manager as that court may think fit.

(2) The High Court shall also have power to direct how and by whom the costs of any proceeding under this section, and the remuneration, charges and expenses of the receiver or receiver and manager shall be borne, and may order that the costs and expenses be charged against the property of the person whose business is being wound up in such order of priority in relation to any existing charges thereto as it thinks fit.

50. Special cases where entry may be refused

Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prohibit an immigration officer from refusing entry into Nigeria of any person not a citizen of Nigeria if it appears to the immigration officer-

[1972 No.8.]

(a) that the person concerned is a prohibited immigrant; or

(b) that, where a visa is required, such person has no current visa; or

(c) that where a residence or other permit is required as a condition of entry it has not been obtained; or

(d) on the advice of a medical inspector it is undesirable for medical reasons to admit such person.

51. Regulations

(1) The Minister may make all such regulations as in his opinion are necessary or expedient for giving full effect to the provisions of this Act and for the due administration thereof.

(2) Without limiting the generality of the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, regulations may be made for all or any of the following purposes-

(a) for the control of aliens resident in Nigeria;

(b) for the establishment of a uniformed immigration service and the terms and conditions of employment therein;

(b) for the imposition of penalties for the breach of any regulations not exceeding a fine of 100 or imprisonment for six months or of both.

52. Interpretation

(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires-

“alien” means any person not a commonwealth citizen or a citizen of Eire;

“aliens officer” means any person appointed for the control of aliens and includes an immigration officer;

“crew” in relation to a ship or aircraft, means all persons actually employed in the working or service of the ship or aircraft including the master of the ship and commander of the aircraft, and “member of the crew” shall be construed accordingly;

“enter” with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions includes land;

“immigrant” means any person other than a citizen of Nigeria or person accorded immunity by reason of diplomatic status who enters or seeks to enter Nigeria;

“immigration officer” means any officer appointed for the control of immigration under this Act;

“land” means (subject to subsection (2) of this section) land from a ship or aircraft, and “embark” shall be construed accordingly;

“leave” with grammatical variations and cognate expressions includes embark; “Minister” means the Minister charged with responsibility for immigration; “passport” means with reference to the person producing it, a travel document furnished with a photograph of such person and issued to him by or on behalf of the country

of which he is a subject or a citizen and for a period which, according to the laws of that country, has not expired, and includes any other similar document approved by the Minister establishing the nationality and identity of the person to whom it refers to the satisfaction of an immigration officer;

“permit” includes pass;

“prescribed” means prescribed by this Act or by regulations or any order under this Act;

“prohibited immigrant” includes any person liable to be refused entry or to be deported under this Act;

“recognised port” or “port of entry” means in respect of person landing from or embarking in an aircraft, any recognised airport where there are facilities for customs, health and immigration inspection, and in respect of persons landing from or embarking in a ship or otherwise arriving in or departing from Nigeria, means any place where there ere the like facilities;

“travel documents” for entry into Nigeria include in any proper case a visa and employment papers, and international certificates of health valid for such entry, and where a citizen of Nigeria is departing, include any visa, employment papers and international certificates of health valid for entry into or travel through any other country, as the case may require;

“visa” means an impress or endorsement by any means on a travel document, purporting to be signed and dated by an officer appointed for that purpose by or on behalf of the Government of Nigeria, and authorising entry into or transit across Nigeria subject to compliance with any special requirements prescribed by the immigration authorities at a port of entry, and valid for specified time and for the number of journeys stated therein.

(2) References in this Act to person landing in Nigeria from or arriving at ports in Nigeria as members of the crews of ships or aircraft, do not include references to persons landing from a ship or aircraft which began its voyage at a place in and has not during the voyage called at any place outside Nigeria, or arriving as members of the crew in such a ship or aircraft.

(3) Where by this Act, any power to institute proceedings or to recover moneys is vested in the Attorney-General of the Federation, that power may, with the consent given either generally or specially by such Attorney-General, be exercised in his name by any authorised immigration officer.

(4) For the avoidance of doubt-

(a) a person seeking entry shall be treated as in Nigeria after he has complied with all formalities prescribed for inspection by immigration, health and customs authorities, and whether the compliance is subject to conditions or otherwise;

(b) any permit issued under any repealed Act and valid immediately before the commencement of this Act, shall on the commencement thereof be deemed to have been issued under this Act for the unexpired balance of the term of the permit and may be dealt with accordingly.

53. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Immigration Act.



List of Subsidiary Legislation

1. Immigration Regulations.

2. Immigration (Control of Aliens) Regulations.


[L.N. 93 of 1963.]

under section 51

[1st August, 1963]

[Commencement. ] PART I


1. Passenger lists

(1) Every list of disembarking and transit passengers to be supplied by the master of

a ship or aircraft in pursuance of section 3 of the Immigration Act (hereafter referred to as the Act) shall show the surname of every passenger in full together with the initials of such passenger, the port at which he embarked and the port at which he intends to disembark.

(2) For purposes of this regulation, a passenger shall include every person on board the ship or aircraft except members of the crew or stowaways.

2. Particulars of travel documents

Such form of landing or embarkation card as the Minister may, by order direct to be supplied for purposes of paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 4 of the Act (which relates to the production of travel documents by every passenger entering or leaving Nigeria) shall contain the particulars specified in the First Schedule to these Regulations and such other particulars as the Director of Immigration may require, and the landing or embarkation card shall be signed and dated.

[First Schedule.]

3. Entry into Nigeria for business purposes

(1) The authorisation of the Minister for the establishment of a profession, business or trade in Nigeria shall, subject to such conditions as the Minister may impose, take the form of a business permit prescribed in the Second Schedule to these Regulations.

[Second Schedule.]

(2) Nothing, however, in any business permit shall entitle the holder of such permit to enter or remain in Nigeria unless such person is in possession of a valid residence permit or in the case of an alien, a valid visa for residential purposes, as the case may be.

(3) A business permit may, at any time, be revoked, varied, or cancelled by the Minister, and every person to whom such permit has been issued shall notify the Minister or the Director of Immigration of any change whatsoever in the name or address of the business or trade.

4. Residence permits

(1) Forms A, B, D and E in the Third Schedule to these Regulations are hereby prescribed for purposes of subsection (3) of section 10 of the Act (which deals with residence permits) and shall be valid for a single entry into Nigeria unless otherwise directed by the Director of Immigration.

[Third Schedule. Forms A, B, C and E.]

(2) No residence permit issued to an alien shall be valid for entry into Nigeria unless the alien is in possession of a valid visa at the time of entry or unless the alien is the subject of a country with which Nigeria has entered into a visa abolition agreement.

(3) A residence permit may be issued subject to such conditions as to-

(a) the area in which the holder of such permit shall reside;

(b) the occupation or business (if any) in which the person may engage, and the restrictions, prohibitions or limitations subject to which he may engage therein;

(c) the duration of the person’s stay in Nigeria;

(d) the control of any activities which may offend the religious beliefs of any member of the community; and

(e) any provision for security,

as the Director of Immigration may direct or require to be endorsed on such permit.

5. Visiting permit

(1) An endorsement by a rubber stamp on the passport of a person visiting Nigeria containing such particulars as relate to the port of entry, the date of entry, the period during which the visitor is permitted to remain in Nigeria and such other conditions or in- formation as the Director of Immigration may require shall be sufficient for purposes of subsection (4) of section 11 of the Act (which enables the Minister to prescribe the form of a visiting permit), and unless otherwise varied or revoked by the Director of Immigration, the initial period for which the visiting permit shall issue shall not exceed twenty- eight days.

(2) Subject to the next following paragraphs of this regulation, any person requiring an extension or variation of a visiting permit shall make an application in writing to an immigration officer at least seven clear days before the expiry of such permit specifying the reasons why the extension or variation is required; and such officer may extend the visiting permit for periods of twenty-eight days at a time.

(3) In the case of a citizen of the Commonwealth or a citizen of Eire the periods of extension shall not exceed ninety days in the aggregate from the original date of entry into Nigeria without the permission of the Director of Immigration, but no extension beyond the initial period of twenty-eight days shall be granted to an alien without the writ- ten consent of the Director of Immigration.

(4) No visiting permit shall be issued to any person, unless the immigration officer is satisfied that such person is in possession of a return ticket or an onward transportation ticket to a country to which his admission is guaranteed, or where such person has not made or is unable to make adequate arrangements for his maintenance in or departure from Nigeria.

6. Transit permit

(1) A transit permit shall take the form of an endorsement by rubber stamp on the passport of the applicant and such stamp shall contain particulars of the port of entry, the date of entry and the period for which the person is permitted to remain in Nigeria in transit.

(2) The initial period for which a transit permit shall issue shall not exceed seven days unless the period is extended, generally as respects certain persons or class of per- sons, or in any special case, by the Director of Immigration.

(3) All applications requiring extension of transit permits shall be made to an immigration officer before the expiry of the original permit and such applications shall state the reasons for which an extension is required and the period of extension; and any im- migration officer not below the rank of an assistant immigration officer may further ex- tend the transit permit for a period not exceeding fourteen days from the original date of entry, but no further extension beyond this period shall be given except with the consent of the Director of Immigration who shall have the power to renew or extend the period or to refuse and require the person to leave Nigeria.

(4) No transit permit shall issue unless the immigration officer is satisfied that the person applying for the issue of such permit has an onward passage ticket to a destination outside Nigeria and to which he has entry facilities and sufficient funds for his maintenance in Nigeria.

7. Control of direct transit passengers

(1) Permission by the immigration officer may be granted to any transit passenger by the endorsement on the passport of the passenger to the effect that such passenger may land from a ship or aircraft whilst that ship or aircraft is in port, and such permission shall be revocable at the discretion of that immigration officer.

(2) Where permission to land is refused or where such permission has been revoked the master of the ship or aircraft shall accordingly be informed in writing and shall not permit the passenger to land or go ashore.


Control of crews and stowaways

8. Control of members of a crew of ship, etc., and stowaways

(1) No member of the crew of a ship or aircraft shall land or go ashore without the consent of an immigration officer, and every master of a ship or aircraft shall, if so required by an immigration officer, or where consent of the immigration officer to land has been refused or withheld, take such steps as may be necessary for preventing any member of the crew of the ship or aircraft from landing while the ship or aircraft remains at the port.

(2) On the arrival of a ship or aircraft at any port the master of such ship or aircraft shall provide the immigration officer with a list of all the members of the crew including stowaways (if any) on board.



9. Employment of immigrants

Any application relating to employment in Nigeria of any person who is a national of any country other than Nigeria, shall be made to the Director of Immigration in writing and the application shall contain particulars as to the full name of the prospective employer, date and place of birth, nationality, date and place of issue of passport, and such other information as the Director of Immigration may direct.

10. Young persons

The permit to which section 37 of the Act (which provides for the issue of a permit to any person of or above the apparent age of sixteen years) relates shall be in the same form as a residence permit or visiting permit issued pursuant to section 10 or 11 of the Act and shall contain such particulars and conditions as the Director of Immigration may require.

11. Production of certificates and permits

Every immigrant whilst in Nigeria, shall if so required by an immigration officer or police officer, produce as and when necessary a valid passport, a residence permit, visiting permit or transit permit (as the case may be) or other travel documents.

12. Signing on of crew

All members of the crew of a ship or aircraft who are not citizens of Nigeria and who sign on as members of the crew of a ship or aircraft at a port in Nigeria shall report before an immigration officer and complete the departure cards before embarkation on the ship or aircraft on which they are signing on.

13. Air crew

(1) All members of a crew of an aircraft arriving in Nigeria and disembarking from an aircraft for the purpose of joining another aircraft shall report to an immigration officer both on arrival and departure, and every such person shall be in possession of a valid passport and may be issued with a transit permit for the duration of their stay.

(2) Further to the foregoing provision of this regulation, every alien member of a crew of an aircraft shall in addition to a valid passport hold a valid visa.

(3) The exercise of the power to issue any transit permit for purposes of this regulation by an immigration officer shall be subject to any specific or general directions of the Director of Immigration and such permit may be given in the form of an instruction to the agents or master of the aircraft concerned.

14. Security

An immigrant may be permitted to enter or remain in Nigeria if the immigration officer thinks fit, conditionally-

(a) upon the immigrant or-some other person on his behalf, furnishing security by depositing with the immigration officer, such sum as in the opinion of the immigration officer is sufficient to cover the cost of the return of the immigrant to his country of origin, or to some other country into which he may be admit- ted together with a further sum not exceeding twenty-five per cent of the sum first above mentioned; or

(b) upon the immigrant furnishing security by entering into a bond with one or more sureties to be approved by the immigration officer in Form C of the Third Schedule to these Regulations for an amount calculated in accordance with the foregoing paragraph (a) of this regulation,

[Form C. Third Schedule.]

and a security furnished in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Regulation may be forfeited or as the case may be, such bond may be estreated at the discretion of the

Director of Immigration where there has been a contravention of any of the provisions of the principal Act or any regulation herein or any condition of the security.

15. Penalty

Any person who-

(a) acts in contravention of or fails to comply with any of the provisions of these Regulations; or

(b) acts in contravention of or fails to comply with any conditions of any visa, permit, or any direction or instruction given pursuant to any of the provisions of these Regulations, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding NIOO or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

16. Revocation and savings

The Immigration Regulations are hereby revoked, save that any forms prescribed be- fore the commencement of these Regulations for purposes of the regulations hereby revoked may, subject to regulation 17 of these Regulations or unless the Director of Immigration shall otherwise direct, be issued for the corresponding purposes of these Regulations.

[Cap. 84, Vol. VIII 1958 Edition.]

17. Variation of forms

Where a person wishes to make an application under any of the provisions of the Act or regulations made thereunder and the form of the application as prescribed by any regulation or an order under the principal Act or under the regulations revoked by regulation 16 of these Regulations is unsuitable to the particular case, the Minister or the person to whom the application is to be made may authorise the application to be made in some other form, and such other form may in like manner be varied to suit any particular case.

18. Short title

These Regulations may be cited as the Immigration Regulations.



[Regulation 2.]

Particulars to be furnished under Regulation 2 of Immigration Regulations

Full name of the person ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Nationality ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Place and date of issue of passport …………………………………………………………………………………………

Date of expiry of passport …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Name of employer in Nigeria where applicable ………………………………………………………………………. Port of embarkation in respect of an arrival and place of disembarkation in respect of a departing

passenger ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Address in Nigeria ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Address in country of origin or domicile as the case may be ……………………………………………………. .

Date and country of birth



Flight number of aircraft and air company by which arrived or in the case of arrival by sea the

name of the ship, similar information in respect of departure …………………………………………………… . Purpose of entry or departure ………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

Whether the person concerned has been previously in Nigeria in respect of entry ………………………. .




[Regulation 3 (1 ).]

Business permit

Permit No ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………… .

Name of business ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………… .

Nature of business permitted ……………………………………………………………………… : …………………….. .





……………………………………Place where business permitted …………………. .




Any other conditions endorsed on the operation of the business






…………………………………………………………..Permitted expatriate quota …………………………………………

Positions in which expatriate quota is permitted


Secretary, Affairs

Permanent Ministry of Internal

NOTE.-Possession of this permit does not exempt the holder from the requirements of any residence permit and/or visa where applicable for entry into and residence in Nigeria.



[Regulation 4 (1).]

Residence permit For issue to employees

PERMIT No. A. ………………………………………File No ………………………………………………………………

Permission is hereby granted to ……………………………………………………………………………………………. .

whose particulars are appended below to make a single entry into Nigeria on or before ………………. . and remain in Nigeria until …………………………………….. as a ……………………………………………………..

in the employment of subject to compliance with the provisions of the Immigration Act ………………………………………….. (Cap. I1) and regulations made thereunder. Date ……………………………………………………………………………….. …………….. Director of Immigration

Nationality ………………………………………………………Passport No ……………………………………………….

Date and place of issue ……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………..

Date and place of birth ……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………..

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. [PTO]


The attention of the holder of this permit is drawn to section 8 of the Immigration Act (Cap. 11) which reads as follows-

(1) No person other than a citizen of Nigeria shall-

(a) accept employment (not being employment with the Federal Government or a State Government) without the consent in writing of the Director of Immigration; or

(b) on his own account or in partnership with any other person, practise a profession or establish or take over any trade or business whatsoever or register or take over any company for any such purposes, without the consent in writing of the Minister given on such condition as to the locality of operation and persons to be employed by or on be- half of such person, as the Minister may prescribe.


[Regulation 4 (1).]

Residence permit

For issue to dependants, etc.

Permit No. B …………………………………………. File No ……………………………………………………………..

Permission is hereby granted to whose

particulars are appended below to make a single entry into Nigeria on or before ………………………….

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

and remain in Nigeria until ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

… ………………………………………………………………..for the purpose of …………………………………………

and subject to compliance with the provisions of the Immigration Act (Cap. I1) and regulations made thereunder.

Date ………………………………………………………………………………. Director of Immigration

Nationality ……………………………………………………. Passport No ………………………………………………..

Date and place of issue …………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………

Date and place of birth …………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………



The attention of the holder of this permit is drawn to section 8 of the Immigration Act (Cap. I1) which reads as follows-

(1) No person other than a citizen of Nigeria shall-

(a) accept employment (not being employment with the Federal Government or a State Government) without the consent in writing of the Director of Immigration; or

(b) on his own account or in partnership with any other person practise a profession or establish or take over any trade or business whatsoever or register or take over any company for any such purposes, without the consent in writing of the Minister given on such conditions as to the locality of operation and persons to be employed by or on be- half of such person, as the Minister may prescribe.


[Regulation 14 (b).]

Form of bond to be given by immigrant

Be it known to all men by these presents that we

(1)* …………………………………………… of ……………………………. (2)* ……………………………………..

of …………………………………………………. and (3)* …………………………. ………………………………………..

of …………………………………………………. ………………………………………. are held and firmly

bound unto the Government of the Federation of Nigeria in the sum of ……………………….. ( ………………………………………………………………….. ) of good and lawful money of Nigeria to be paid to the Government of the Federation of Nigeria; to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each and everyone of us jointly and severally for and in the whole, our heirs, executors and administrators and everyone of them by these presents.

SEALED with our seals-

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .




(Signatures of immigrant and suretiesyt

DATED this ……………………….. day of …………………… ,20 …………….. at ………………………………….

………………………………………….. . of

…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Now the condition of this obligation is such that if the bounden*

…………………………………………………… within the space of

…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………month

s after

the date hereof shall obtain from an immigration officer a certificate that he is a fit and proper person to be received as an immigrant into Nigeria without the necessity of his giving security by way of making a monetary deposit or entering into a bond then this obligation to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of-

1. . ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


*Name of immigrant.

†Name of surety.


[Regulation 4 (1 ).)

Residence permit

For issue to owners/partners/directors of business, etc.

Permit No. D ……………………………………………. File No ……………………………………………………………

Permission is hereby granted to …………………… ……………………………………………………………………….

whose particulars are appended below to make a single entry into Nigeria on or before ………………..

………………………………………………………………………………………………….. and remain in Nigeria until

…………………………………………………………………………………….. as the Owner/Partner/Director in the

business known as ……………………………………………………………..and subject to compliance with the provisions of the Immigration Act, and regulations made thereunder.

Date ………………………………………………………………………… Director of Immigration

Nationality …………………………………………………………….. Passport No

…………………………………………………. Date and place of issue

……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………. Date and place of birth ………………………………………………………………………………



The attention of the holder of this permit is drawn to section 8 of the Immigration Act (Cap. I1) which reads as follows-

(1) No person other than a citizen of Nigeria shall-

(a) accept employment (not being employment with the Federal Government or a State Government) without the consent in writing of the Director of Immigration; or

(b) on his own account or in partnership with any other person, practise a profession or establish or take over any trade or business whatsoever or register or take over any company for any such purposes, without the consent in writing of the Minister given on such conditions as to the locality of operation and persons to be employed by or on be- half of such person, as the Minister may prescribe.


[Regulation 4 (1 ).)

Residence permit

For issue for any number of journeys

Permit No. E …………………………………………….. File No ………………………………………………………….. .

Permission is hereby granted to …………………………………………………………………………………………….

whose particulars are appended below to make any number of journeys into Nigeria during the

validity of this permit and to remain in Nigeria until ……………………. as a ………………………………….

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

in the business known as

……………………………………………………………………………………………..and subject to compliance with the provisions of the Immigration Act, and regulations made thereunder.

FORM E-continued

Date …………………………………………………………………………. Director of Immigration

Nationality ……………………………………………….. Passport No ……………………………………………………..

Date and place of issue ……………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………

Date and place of birth






The attention of the holder of this permit is drawn to section 8 of the Immigration Act (Cap. 11) which reads as follows-

(1) No person other than a citizen of Nigeria shall-

(a) accept employment (not being employment with the Federal Government or a State Government) without the consent in writing of the Director of Immigration; or

(b) on his own account or in partnership with any other person practise a profession or establish or take over any trade or business whatsoever or register or take over any company for any such purposes, without the consent in writing of the Minister given on such conditions as to the locality of operation and persons to be employed by or on be- half of such person, as the Minister may prescribe.


under section 51

1. Short title


[1st August, 1963]

These Regulations may be cited as the Immigration (Control of Aliens) Regulations.

2. Interpretation

In these Regulations all the words used shall have same meaning as is attached to them and be construed in the same manner as in the Act; and in particular-

“the Act” means the Immigration Act;

[Cap. I1.]

“resident” when used in relation to an alien means a person entering and remaining in Nigeria for fifty-six days or more.

3. Appointment of Chief Immigration Officer

The Director of Immigration shall, with the approval of the Minister, appoint an officer, to be the Chief Immigration Officer and the officer so appointed shall have such powers and shall execute such duties as are provided by the Act and by these Regulations

for the purposes of the control of aliens resident in Nigeria.

4. Appointment of aliens officers

(1) For each State of the Federation and for the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, there shall be a senior immigration officer appointed by the Director of Immigration with the consent of the Minister.

(2) The senior immigration officer responsible for the control of aliens shall for the purposes of enforcing these Regulations be subject to the direction and control of the Di- rector of Immigration.

(3) The Director of Immigration shall appoint such additional officers to be alien officers as may be necessary to give effect to these Regulations.

5. Aliens registry

The Chief Immigration Officer shall maintain a registry in which there shall be registered in respect of every alien resident in Nigeria, particulars set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations and such other particulars as may be required for the purposes of identification and registration.

[First Schedule.]

6. Duties of aliens officers

The senior immigration officer or aliens officer for a State or the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, shall-

(a) maintain a registry in which there shall be registered in respect of every alien resident in such State or the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, particulars set out in the First Schedule and such other matters as may be required for the purposes of identification and registration;

(b) furnish to the Director of Immigration, at such time and in such manner as may be directed, copies of all entries in the State or the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Registry of Aliens and such other information as may be required for the identification, registration and control of aliens;

(c) furnish to the Director of Immigration in respect of any offence committed by any alien against the Act, or against any other Act or Regulation, particulars of the date and place of offence, the offence charged, the court in which the case was dealt with and the result;

(d) furnish to the Director of Immigration the information supplied to him under the provisions of regulation 9 (a);

(e) issue official receipts for, and pay to the Treasury all moneys received in respect of the registration of aliens.

7. Notification of arrival and departure of aliens

(1) An immigration officer permitting an alien to land in, or otherwise to enter, and to remain in Nigeria for any period exceeding twenty-eight days shall-

(a) invite the attention of such alien to the notice prescribed in the Second Schedule to these Regulations;

[Second Schedule.]

(b) transmit forthwith to the Director of Immigration particulars of such alien in the form prescribed by the Third Schedule to these Regulations.

[Third Schedule.]

(2) An immigration officer to whom an alien reports his departure from Nigeria shall forthwith transmit to the Director of Immigration particulars of such alien in the form prescribed by the Third Schedule to these Regulations.

8. Registration of aliens

Every alien resident in Nigeria who has attained the age of sixteen years and is not exempt from the provisions of these Regulations shall-

(a) within 21 days of his arrival in Nigeria report to the senior immigration officer or aliens officer of the State or the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja in which he resides and submit his passport and residence permit to him for examination;

(b) supply to the senior immigration officer or aliens officer three passport photo- graphs of recent date and good likeness;

(c) enter in his own handwriting on two copies of the form prescribed in the First Schedule to these Regulations his personal particulars and such further information as the senior immigration officer or aliens officer may require for the purposes of registration; if he is illiterate, he shall provide such information as is necessary to enable a responsible person to complete the forms;

[First Schedule.]

(d) pay to the senior immigration officer or aliens officer such sum of money as may be prescribed and receive from him a certificate of registration in the form prescribed in the Fourth Schedule to these Regulations, and an official receipt for the money paid.

9. Change of status of residence

[Fourth Schedule.]

Every alien who has been registered in accordance with the provisions of regulation 8 of these Regulations shall-

(a) within seven days of any circumstance occurring which affects the accuracy of any information previously notified to a senior immigration officer or the aliens officer furnish to the senior immigration officer or the aliens officer in the State or the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, in which he resides the full particulars of such circumstance;

(b) if he intends to change his residence to another place within the State or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, in which he resides give at least seven days’ notice of his intention to the aliens officer of the State or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, before the change;

(c) if he intends to change his place of residence from one state or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, to another, give at least seven days’ notice to the senior immigration officer or the aliens officer in the State or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, in which he resides before such change;

(d) within seven days of changing his place of residence, report to the senior immigration officer or the aliens officer of the new State or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, in which he resides and submit to him for examination his pass- port, residence permit and certificate of registration and full particulars of his residential and postal addresses;

(e) before leaving his place of residence for any period which exceeds seven days, give notice to the senior immigration officer or the aliens officer of the State or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, in which he resides of his intended destination.

10. Further duties of alien officers

A senior immigration officer or the aliens officer, upon receiving from an alien in- formation as to change of status or residence, shall forthwith-

(a) notify the Chief Immigration Officer of such change of status or residence;

(b) if an alien changes his place of residence to another State or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, forward all documents relative to the registration of such alien to the senior immigration officer or the aliens officer of the State to which the alien has changed his residence.

11. Restriction of alien’s movements

The Director of Immigration may, by notice in writing addressed to any alien, require him to-

(a) report to a senior immigration officer or the aliens officer or to any police officer at a time and place stated and to provide such officer with any information regarding his movements and such other information as such officer may re- quire and which is in the power of the alien to provide;

(b) report to the senior immigration officer or the aliens officer of the State or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, in which he resides, his intention to absent himself from his place of residence for any period exceeding twenty-four hours or such other period as may be specified in the notice;

(c) obtain from the senior immigration officer or the aliens officer of the State or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, in which he resides, a permit to travel in respect of any journey which he intends to undertake exceeding a distance of thirty miles from the place in which he is resident;

(d) report his arrival to the senior immigration officer or the aliens officer of any State or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, to which he travels and in which he remains for any period exceeding twelve hours or such longer period as may be specified in the notice;

(e) report to the senior immigration officer or the aliens officer of the State or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja in which he resides his intended departure from Nigeria for any period, his intended destination and

the date of his intended return to Nigeria.

12. Liability of householders

The householder of any premises in which an alien, who is required to comply with any or all of the provisions of regulation 8 or 9 of these Regulations, resides, shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that such alien complies with the regulations and, should such alien fail to do so, shall within the periods prescribed in the regulations notify the senior immigration officer or the aliens officer, or any Superior Police Officer in the State in which he is resident, or in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja of such alien’s failure to

comply, or intention not to comply with, the regulations.

13. Hotels and boarding-houses

The owner or manager of any boarding-house, hotel, lodging-house or rest-house or any premises where lodging or sleeping accommodation is provided for payment, shall maintain a register in the form prescribed in the Fifth Schedule to these Regulations and shall require every person accommodated or boarded in such premises to enter his full name, address and occupation therein and, in addition, shall, subject to the proviso in regulation 14 require every alien accommodated or boarded in such premises to enter therein, such further particulars as are provided for in the said Schedule.

[Fifth Schedule.]

14. Information to be furnished by person being accommodated

Every person accommodated or boarded at such premises as are described in regulation 13 shall enter in the register provided, particulars as prescribed in the said regulation, provided that, if such person is illiterate, or is unable to enter such particulars in a language in common use in Nigeria, he shall provide such information as may be necessary to enable the owner or manager or other responsible person to enter such particulars in the register.

15. Power of examination

Every register required to be maintained under the provisions of regulation 13 shall at all times be available for inspection by a senior immigration officer or an aliens officer of by any police officer acting in the execution of his duty.

16. Power of the Chief Immigration Officer to demand for particulars of aliens

The Chief Immigration Officer may, by notice in writing addressed to the owner or manager of any boarding-house, hotel, lodging-house or rest-house or any premises where lodging or sleeping accommodation is provided for payment, require such owner or manager to–

(a) provide to the senior immigration officer or the aliens officer in the State or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, in which such premises are situate, a daily list showing particulars as prescribed in the Fifth Schedule to these Regulations of every alien who was accommodated at such premises during the previous twenty-four hours;

[Fifth Schedule.]

(b) provide to the senior immigration officer or the aliens officer in the State or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, in which such premises are situate, at such times and at such intervals as may be specified, a list of any or all aliens ac- commodated at such premises during any period specified in the notice.

17. Offences and penalties

It shall be an offence punishable upon first conviction by a tine not exceeding fifty naira or a term of imprisonment not exceeding three months in lieu thereof or, upon a subsequent conviction, a fine not exceeding one hundred naira or a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months or both such fine and imprisonment-

(a) for an alien to fail to comply with any of the provisions of regulations 8 or 9, or to fail to comply with a notice issued under the provisions of regulation 11 of these Regulations;

(b) for any person, required by the regulations so to do, to fail to comply with any of the relevant provisions of regulations 12, 13, 14 or 15, or to fail to comply with a notice issued under the provisions of regulation 16 of these Regulations;

(c) for any person to aid or abet any other person committing any offence against any of these Regulations or knowingly to harbour any person who has committed any offence against these Regulations.

18. Production of certificate of registration

An alien shall, upon demand by a senior immigration officer or an aliens officer, immigration officer or any police officer, produce his certificate of registration and provide such information as to his name, address and occupation as may be requested by such officer or if he is exempt from the requirements of the Act or these Regulations, shall satisfy such officer that he is so exempt.

19. Powers of arrest

A senior immigration officer, aliens officer, customs officer, or any police officer may arrest, without a warrant, any alien found committing an offence, or whom he reasonably suspects of having committed an offence, against these Regulations.

20. Powers of search

A senior immigration officer, aliens officer, or any police officer, authorised by a senior immigration officer, aliens officer or by any Superior Police Officer, may, without a warrant, enter and search any premises in which he reasonably believes that an offence against these Regulations is being committed or is about to be committed.

21. Venue of offences

An offence against these Regulations shall, for the purposes of prosecution, be deemed to have been committed at the place where the offence took place, or where the offender was apprehended.

22. Exemptions

The Minister may, by order, declare any alien, or any class of aliens, to be exempt from the requirement to comply with any or all of these Regulations.

23. Application of regulations

These Regulations shall not, with the exception of regulation 18 apply to-

(a) a young person who has not attained the age of sixteen years;

(b) a person who is entitled to diplomatic immunity and has been duly accredited to the Government of the Federation of Nigeria;

(c) a visiting Head of State, his family and his suite;

(d) a seaman, unless he leaves his ship and remains ashore for a period exceeding twenty- eight days;

(e) an alien who enters Nigeria and holds a visitor’s permit during the validity of such permit unless he remains in Nigeria for more than fifty-six days.



[Regulation 5.]


Aliens register

Registration No ……………………………………. .

1. Surname ………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………….. .

(Block letters)

2. Surname at birth ……………………………………………… .

3. Forenames ……………………………………………………… .

4. Sex ………………………………………………………………… .

5. Year of birth …………………………………………………… .

6. Place of birth, town ………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………….. . State or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja …………. ………………………………………………………….. . Country ………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………….. .

7. Home address …………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………….. .

8. Last address abroad …………………………………………. ………………………………………………………….. .

9. Occupation or profession ………………………………….. ………………………………………………………….. .

10. Employer’s address ………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………….. .

11. Particulars of government service in countries other than Nigeria, including service in an army, navy or air force, showing years in which served and last appointment or rank.

12. Residential address in Nigeria


13. Business address in Nigeria .

14. Nationality and date acquired …………………….. ………………………………………………………………….

15. Previous nationality ………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….

16. Passport, number ……………………………………… ………………………………………………………………….

place issued …………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………….

date issued …………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….

date of expiry ………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………….

Place …………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………….Signature

(to be written as

normally used)

For official use only

Province …………………………………………………….. Station ………………………………………………………… .

Alien’s name in full ……………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… .

Date of arrival in Nigeria ……………………………… …………………………………………………………………… .

Date reported to aliens officer ……………………….. …………………………………………………………………… .

Date Certificate of Registration issued ……………. …………………………………………………………………… .

Number and date of receipt for fee paid ………….. …………………………………………………………………… .

Number and date of treasury receipt ………………. …………………………………………………………………… .

Date Form E20 despatched to CAO ……………….. …………………………………………………………………… .

Details of arrivals, departures, notification of change of address, etc.

DateInformationOfficer’s signature

[Regulation 7 (1) (a).]SECOND SCHEDULE


Aliens Regulations

1. A person who has attained the age of sixteen years and who is not a citizen of the Commonwealth, or who is not otherwise exempted from compliance with the Aliens Regulations, and who intends to reside in Nigeria for any period exceeding fifty-six days shall register with the aliens officer in the State or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, in which he or she resides, within twenty-one days of the date of arrival in Nigeria.

2. The address of the senior immigration officer or aliens officer at Abuja is- Ministry of Internal Affairs

Immigration Department, Abuja.

Outside Abuja the office of the senior immigration officer or aliens officer is situated at the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the State concerned.

3. A person required to register shall produce to the senior immigration officer or aliens offi- cer his, or her, passport, residence permit and three recent passport photographs.

4. Failure to register within the time specified shall render the person concerned liable to a fine of fifty naira or imprisonment for three months.


[Regulation 7 (1) (b).]



Mr/Mrs/Miss ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

a citizen of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

was permitted to enterlleft Nigeria at (place)


on (date) ……………………………………………………………………………………. by (name of air or shipping line or

vehicle number)



and intends to reside at (state address if entering Nigeria) ………………………………………………………..





Place ……………………………………………………… .

Date ………………………………………………………. .

*Delete whichever inapplicable.

Immigration Officer


[Regulation 8 (d).]

Notice to Holder

1 …………………………………………………………………….

(see attached)


(back cover) Registration No.:

Surname ………………………………………………


……………………………………………… Nationality …………………………………………..

Date of birth ………………………………………….

Passport No.




Alien’s Registration Certificate



Any person finding this certificate shall hand it in to the nearest Police Station or return it to the holder named on page 1.

(front cover)





has been registered at the State or the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Aliens Registry at



…………………………………………on this ……… of


Aliens Officer





Officer’s Signature



Officer’s Signature

FORM E23–continued

Notice to Holder

(Back cover)

1. Before changing your residence you shall, at least seven days previously, notify the senior immigration officer or the aliens officer of the State in which you reside or the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja of the date you intend to move and your new address.

2. If your new address is in a different State you shall, within seven days of arrival, pre- sent yourself, together with your passport, permit to reside and this certificate, to the senior immigration officer or the aliens officer of the State or Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, to which you have moved.

3. In the event of the occurrence of any circumstances affecting the accuracy of any particular previously notified, you shall inform the senior immigration officer or the aliens officer within seven days of the occurrence.

4. If you stay at an hotel, rest-house, boarding-house, etc., you shall write your personal particulars as prescribed in the register provided.

5. You shall produce this certificate to any senior immigration officer, aliens officer, immigration officer or police officer on demand and must state your full name and address if so requested.

6. Children, if not citizens of the Commonwealth, shall register with the senior  immigration officer or aliens officer on attaining the age of sixteen years.

7. It is an offence to make any false statement to a senior immigration officer or an aliens officer or to alter any entry in this certificate.

8. Your co-operation in complying with the regulations is earnestly requested; if you are in doubt or do not understand the regulations, the immigration officer, an aliens officer or any police officer will advise you on request.


[Regulation 13.]

Hotel register

Full name in BLOCK lettersLast addressOccupation or professionNationalityDate of arrivalDate of departureDestinationSignature
Table of Contents