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An Act to provide for the forfeiture of certain properties of a Director of the Special Structures Company Limited which properties were acquired from the proceeds of loan granted to the Company and which had already been settled by the Kaduna State Government.

1977 No. 28.

[7th April, 1977]


1. The properties set out in the Schedule to this Act, being properties acquired wholly or partly by one Aminu Tijani, a Director of the Special Structures Company Limited, from the proceeds of a loan negotiated on behalf of the former North-Central State and which said loan has been fully settled by the Government of the Kaduna State, are hereby forfeited to the Government of the Kaduna State and shall vest in that Government free of all encumbrances without any further assurance apart from this Act so however that if before the making of this Act, a deed had been executed between the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (formerly referred to as the Nigerian Building Society) and any other person in respect of any of the properties affected by this Act, the Government of Kaduna State may come to such arrangement with respect to such mortgage with that bank as that Government may think fit in the circumstances.Forfeiture of certain properties to Kaduna State Government.
2. Any person who holds any of the properties referred to in section 1 of this Act shall within 30 days from the making of this Act yield up possession of such property to the Governor of Kaduna State or any person acting on his behalf.Yielding possession of forfeited property.
3. The Deeds Registrar or any other person in charge of registration of land, instruments, deeds or rights affecting land shall, upon presentation to him by the Attorney-General of the Kaduna State or any person acting on his behalf of a copy of this Act expunge from the relevant register the name of any person in whose name any interest is registered in respect of any property affected by this Act, and substitute therefor the Government of Kaduna State.Registration of properties affected.
4. Any person who in intended compliance with this Act deals with any of the properties affected by this Act or who rectifies any register or other records relating to any such property shall stand indemnified in respect thereof and no suit or other proceedings shall lie at the instance of any person aggrieved for anything done in respect of such compliance or rectification.Indemnity.
5. Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of section 2 or 3 of this Act shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for one year without the option of a fine.Penalty.
6. The question whether any provision of Chapter IV of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has been, is being or would be contravened by anything done or proposed to be done in pursuance of this Act shall not be inquired into in any court of law and, accordingly, sections 40, 42 and 220(2)(b) of the Constitution shall not apply in relation to any such question.Exclusion of rights.
7. This Act may be cited as the Forfeiture of Assets (Director of the Special Structures Company Limited) Act.Short title.
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